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Position:Home>Dancing> When you join a stop dance why is it hard to stop when the music stops?

Question:When you with the music...your body should move with the tempo not agaisnt it so when the music starts to slow down so will your body and by the end of the song you can get to a slow stop...and question why would you panic?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When you with the music...your body should move with the tempo not agaisnt it so when the music starts to slow down so will your body and by the end of the song you can get to a slow stop...and question why would you panic?

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  • maQui_333's Avatar by maQui_33...
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  • its because you still got this hangover upon the music... of course you are getting carried away while the music is played and when it stops... you just simply freak out and just move.... right? so the hint is that you shouln't be so carried away by the music and don't focus so much on dancing... rather... be alert so that whenever the music stops... you are ready and you won't panic...