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Position:Home>Dancing> How can you imorove your arches?

Question:I have been dancing for 13 years and i hate my turn out any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been dancing for 13 years and i hate my turn out any suggestions?

Stretch every day for 15 mins. I stretch right before I go to bed. To help your arches, sit with your legs in front of you, bring one in and point your foot as hard as you can with your hand. Then extend your leg in the air and try to hold that shape for 20 secs. Repeat on other leg. For turnout, you can stretch your legs for the remainder of the 15 mins, but what it comes down to is the ability to use your inner thighs and butt to turn your leg out from the hip. I am very unflexible but manage to have pretty good turnout purely by using these muscles.

Don't wear high heels. They will catch up with you when you get old.

I used to pick up marbles with my toes. It worked well. I was able to control my arches and my turnout.

Point and flex, baby.

I used to to foot stretches to improve my posture for singing and it actually ended up helping with my turnout and arch as well. Point your toes, being careful not to sickle them inward, and slowly roll it up into a flex and roll back down into a point. Do this about 15-20 times a day with each foot. Also do really slow ankle rolls. Also about 15 to 20 per day.

trace the alphabet with your feet (air-spelling A, B, C and so on) also use a band and hold it with the ball of your foot and your hands, point and flex while watching tv, and finally, stretch your feet with a partner pushing your toes to the floor without your heels rising up. hope that helps!