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Position:Home>Dancing> What kind of dancing is this called? HELP PLZ ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Question:Its like ballet dance to fast music (usually pop), but you dance the ballet really fast.

What is it called?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its like ballet dance to fast music (usually pop), but you dance the ballet really fast.

What is it called?

it could be modern, lyrical or contemporary.

Modren or Jazz?

I think you can call it ballet, but maybe just not "classical" ballet. Say it's modern ballet or something.

or modern jazz technique

send me a youtube

it's probably contemporary, it's definitely not modern or jazz. As far as classical goes, well classical usually isn't fast. but it's probably contemporary.

are you sure its not just awesome ballet? I really like ballet to fast heavy metal.

If not I'd think your talking about Lyrical.