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Position:Home>Dancing> My sister is 12 years old this year.Is she too old to start learning ballet?

Question:Please help me on this one!My sister keeps pestering me for an answer but I honestly don't know as I am not a ballet fan.She didn't ask her friends as she was afraid they would laugh at her(she's a very sensitive person).Your help would be greatly appreciated.Thank you so much for taking the time to read this long note.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Please help me on this one!My sister keeps pestering me for an answer but I honestly don't know as I am not a ballet fan.She didn't ask her friends as she was afraid they would laugh at her(she's a very sensitive person).Your help would be greatly appreciated.Thank you so much for taking the time to read this long note.

shes not too old, but if she like wants to go pro then its prolly a little too late, but she should still do it. maybe not if she works rly rly hard

i started jazz dancing when i was 9 and are still taking classes (im 16 n now). im getting pretty good so i'm required to take ballet as well. I love jazz with a passion!!! its can be so different and you have so much freedom with it unlike ballet. i suggest her starting jazz!

You are never too old!

If her friends can not accept her for liking ballet, then that is there choice. Go for it! :)

I dont think she is to old to start!

You are never to old to start learning anything. If she has a desire to learn ballet then I think it should be encouraged.

Actually she should started younger than that. Many of the famous ballet dancers started like at 4 years old. Isn't that she won't learn, but as younger as better.

she can do it. If she just wants to try something new then let her go for it. As far as making a career of it, i dont know. That is an art that takes years of discipline. If i were you, i would not discourage her from trying new things. She may enjoy it and still decide its not for her but let her figure it out on her own.

When i was 11 and my sister was 10 we both wanted to start dancing. My mom signed us up for a jazz and tap class. It was fun, i liked it alot. We were ina beginners class with other kids that were as young as 6 or 7 but we didnt mind. I didnt stick with it but did enjoy and wished i had the opportunity to start at a younger age. Now my sister has a 3 year old daughter who she puts in tap class. I guess thats a way to live through her child.

Your never too old to learn to dance!!

You are never too old!!....
I'm 17 and i stared pointe last month and they say they love me !!! she should go for it!

She's certainly not too old! 12 is a good age to start. I started when I was 14. Tell her that she'll fit in perfectly with her class, and good luck!

she isnt too old... she probably will struggle in the beginning, just because many of the girls in her class will be years ahead of her, but it is easy to get the hang of things, it just will tka ea lot of work from her... good luck, hope this helps..

It wont be easy, but of course she could! if she is enrolled in a class with others who have already taken ballet for many years, then she will just be expected to work very hard. i hope she decides to dance, because if she is sensitive, its an excellent way to help self esteem and feel very confident. i hope she enjoys it!!


Umm know but if she wanted to be a ballet dancer as her career then if would've been best if she started earlyer!

Its never to late to dance. I have lots of older kids in my ballet class,

no shes fine. most kids start pointe at her age so shell be like 6 months behind. she should be able to get on pointe in a year if she doesn't suck lol :) or actually if the studio isnt weird about levels and stuff like that.... good luck

I started dancing at the age of 16 and I am now 19 and just as good as the girls who have been doing it all of their lives. It takes passion to be a good dancer not years and years of training. I take modern, jazz, hip hop, Irish step, and lyrical. If she doesn't like ballet or if she thinks it's too hard she can maybe try a different form of dance. Tell her to go for it and to never be afraid of what people think.

Definitely not to old! I started Ballet 1 this year at my dance studio, and I'm 13, and so did my friend who is 11! No one is ever to old to dance-in other words-she can still start ballet!

You are never too old to start ballet.