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Position:Home>Dancing> First formal school dance please help?

Question:I am a guy and have no idea what to do with anything please please help. I am so stressed out about this and I want it to be great for her. I really really do. I don't know how to dance, what to wear, what to look like, how to act. I don't know anything please help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a guy and have no idea what to do with anything please please help. I am so stressed out about this and I want it to be great for her. I really really do. I don't know how to dance, what to wear, what to look like, how to act. I don't know anything please help.

For one be charming and maybe get her a corsage. (ask her what color her dress is so the colors match). For dances like Prom a tux is usually the way to go bot for things like homecoming a nice shirt and pants usually does the trick. Ask upperclassmen what they are wearing/wore to the dance. For dancing when you enter the dance see what people are doing and if you are comfortable with it copy them. And if you make a complete fool out of yourself don't worry she might think it's cute. For slow dancing just kinda keep it relaxed just one step with one foot and then the other just rocking back and forth twirl her a couple times too. Good luck and have fun!

1. Leave the Fear...Cool & Relax

2. Select one song with video...see on TV

3. Practice and You can


Dress nicely, since it is formal. Act like yourself leave the worries and fear at home tho. When it comes to dancing when you get there just look around. Dancing at formals is not to complicated or "formal" these days. You will do fine. Just have fun, and good luck, and of course tell her how pretty she looks lol

what you can do is this
a) remain calm
b) don't do some sort of set dance, just move with the flow of the music
c) for dress, its formal right? so dress up a bit, a tie...
d) just be yourself, and u'll be fine
e) if u dun know anything about dancing, and she might, let her lead

there is one KEY to dancing..that is DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING. whatever you are doing, if it looks like you are having fun, people will think you are good.

there are lots of dancing tutorials on youtube. check them out. I just made my own here: (how to arm wave).

Most importantly, just move to the beat and be cortinated. Practice a bit before the dance if you really want to. checkout youtube for some videos.

email me and i can tell you more.

School formals tend actually to be semi-formal, which means tuxedo, and you should avoid any hint of "style," staying with the basic standard tux. It would be quite rare to find a truly formal affair (tailsuit required) in high school. Ask around, but that's the usual.
Proper social dancing and etiquette is taught in ballroom dance studios (in fact, they teach more social dancing than ballroom). In a perfect world, you'd have been taking lessons for a few years and know exactly how to behave. Guess what? None of your classmates have being doing that, either. Relax, have fun, be available for your date, dance the first and last dances with her, and any others in between that she wishes. Many kids think they're supposed to stay together throughout the entire affair, but adults generally "rotate," dancing with all their acquaintances. You can feel this out according to how others do, as long as you don't allow her to feel abandoned.