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Position:Home>Dancing> Jazz- double turns?

Question:I can't do it without stopping halfway or tripping! Ways to improve... would be great. Thanx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can't do it without stopping halfway or tripping! Ways to improve... would be great. Thanx

Can you do a single turn cleanly? If not work on that before you try to do a double turn. If you have a clean single then just keep working - pull up, spot and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. Good luck!

Spot something and PULL UP in your stomach. It's important to keep good posture. It's like once you find your center balance point you will just keep going and going and going. Good luck.

umm tighten your stomach, feel like ur lifting up not turning, have a strong supporting leg, keep your arms strong and positioned, and spot- but be relaxed-don't get to wound up then u'll spin out of control!

I just learned about neutral spine in one of my classes. Its made up of scapula, ribs, concave, and hips.

Scapula: Make sure your back is flat, but dont hunch your shoulders. To do this, don't just push your shoulders back, but back and under.

Ribs: Close your ribs. Imagine your ribs being laced with shoelaces and then tighten the laces.

Concave: Tighten your stomach. Try to make your bellybutton reach your spine.

Hips: Make sure your hips aren't tilted forward, but that they are parallel to a wall. (This is hard to do with your stomach tightened but you'll get used to it)

Again this is called neutral spine, and I noticed a difference in my turns as soon as i started practicing it. I was getting quad turns after about 3 weeks.

Other tips: Spot, of course, this really is what gets you around. Also be sure to get your foot in to posse FAST. Make sure you are waiting until your half way through your turn to get it up. Anytime you feel like you are going to fall out of a turn early, increase your releve. That should keep you going just long enough to finish your pirouette.


- Make sure your leg's in a high retiré and your supporting leg is straight.
- Keep your back straight and your abs working.
- Make sure your arms are round and not too high.
- Just before you go for your turn, plié (bend your knees) a bit more to get a bit of an extra push.
- SPOT! (Super-duper important)
- Give yourself lots of space and practise!