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Position:Home>Dancing> Under 18 clubs???

Question:I really like dancing and the atmosphere at dances and what not (everyones happy and dancing, ect)

im 14, is that too young for an 18 and under club?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really like dancing and the atmosphere at dances and what not (everyones happy and dancing, ect)

im 14, is that too young for an 18 and under club?

Some 18 and under clubs let kids who are 14 and up in, only problem is for the most part they kick all the kids 16 and under out by like 10:30, 11:00 etc.


there something called the paris club. but maybe its 15 and up but i really do think that its 14 and up.

are you asking if 14 is younger than 18? Yes, it is younger than 18.

Depends where you live. I used to get into clubs when I was 14, but I'm not sure if it was allowed. The trick is not to try too hard with your clothes. Pretend to have a conversation about uni or something as you go in. Smile at the bouncers and mentally expect them to let you in, and if they ask for ID try to convince them you are old enough.