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Position:Home>Dancing> Sweat at a dance?

Question:At homecoming dance I got kind of sweaty by the time the slow dances came up. I had been dancing to pretty much every song before and while I was not excessively sweaty, the collar and parts of the sleeves on my shirt were sweaty. I was thinking about asking someone to slow dance but I didn't because of the sweat, unfortunately those are the places you primarily touch during a slow dance. Is this a big problem or was I worrying over nothing? If it is a problem, what can be done to avoid it next year?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: At homecoming dance I got kind of sweaty by the time the slow dances came up. I had been dancing to pretty much every song before and while I was not excessively sweaty, the collar and parts of the sleeves on my shirt were sweaty. I was thinking about asking someone to slow dance but I didn't because of the sweat, unfortunately those are the places you primarily touch during a slow dance. Is this a big problem or was I worrying over nothing? If it is a problem, what can be done to avoid it next year?

You shouldn't worry too much. Almost everyone sweats at a dance, and it's totally natural. If you want to avoid sweating too much, try to take breaks outside once in a while, or just rest and have a drink of water. It also helps if you're not in the middle of a crowd, where everyone is crowded against each other. You are likely to get less sweaty.

hey its alright about sweat ing, i had a dance last week and i waz wearing a mini and i still sweated!!! its okay, just relax, dont think about it and stay away from crowds and drink liquids, dont dance too much!!

Most dancers I know pack an extra shirt with them, as well as a small towel in their bag, to change into before the late night dances where the tempo's slow and more blues is played.

The follows will thank you.

I think the best thing to do is maybe next time wear something that will help you feel more cool. Maybe satin or silk? Sleevless always works too, you can just wear a sweater or something then when you start to feel warm take it off. Apply deoderant before hand and if you feel really warm, stay away from crowded areas and take quick breaks outside.