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Position:Home>Dancing> Could I learn to do the splits in 5 months?

Question:Even if I'm not close to being able to do it now?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Even if I'm not close to being able to do it now?

you need to stretch a lot and do it often. splitting uses muscles that aren't usually used. make sure your muscles are warmed up before splitting, that is the most important thing. im a dancer and cheerleader, and many of my friends have torn muscles trying to split on legs that had tight muscles.

to warm up, go for a brisk walk or jog for about 5-10 minutes so your blood gets pumping. you're a lot more flexible after youre warmed up. when your jog is over stretch everything out all nicely. try doing your splits. when you do them, inhale and exhale slowly. when you exhale, push your body a little closer to the floor. if you push lower on the exhales you'll get lower faster. do not push it too far! you know your limits. when you get so you're only an inch or two above the ground-- pick up your arms! you will gently fall onto the ground in a split formation.

stretch stretch stretch and good luck!

yes. i learned in a week. just do it all the time.

if you keep your mind to it, then i'm sure you'll be able to do it sooner than that! =)


yeah you can.
haa i couldnt do it about a month ago.
but since i practice every night and morning im a
expert at it now

It depends on you as an individual. I know some people that picked it up in no time at all, whereas it took me almost three years to be able to do it. Just keep trying, make sure to stretch at least once a day, and eventually you'll get it.

you have to find flexibility exercises to stretch that muscle area.. if you do it everyday you should be able to do a split eventually.

Oh Yes of course!! it may take a lot of practise but if you are willing to push yourself to try harder every time then , it will be so simple . trust me. just believe in yourself

Yes you can. It probably would be less time if you practice every day. All you have to do is strech out and preform the splits. You will be closer every week you do it.

sure you can, I'll stay away from its easy to open your legs if your
its all about flexibility and repetition, once you have done it once or come close to doing it, you can only improve on it.........
its about conditioning your tendons/ligaments to stretch and you need to train them to do that.........practice makes perfect, and pushing yorself that little bit more every time you try it........

yes i learned it in a day it hurt at first but now it dosent that is wat you get for being a cheerleder?

not necessarily. It depends on the person. Some persons just are not able to do them. I was able to do them when I was 5 but now that I am 55....there is no way I would be able to re-learn doing them in even a year let alone 5 months. certain things happen to a person, surgeries can prevent it and Illness can prevent you from being able being to do it Or treatments for illness that may prevent it. You may want to check with a Doctor to make sure your health is such that you will be able to do it by then. It takes time and a lot of practice. My 5 year old niece has been able to do them since she was three but she is enrolled in a dance class. But her 7 year old sister can not do them. so there are no promises But keep trying. and Lot of luck to you. You are not a lesser person is you are not able to do, Just do your best . But keep smiling.

Yes. Some really good streches to do a few times every day are a basic straddle strech, putting your leg up on the back of a chair or stool or something and reaching over it, and just practicing doing the spilts on both sides and the middle spilts too.

well first of all, you dont learn to do the splits, you practice. i think if you held your splits for 30 seconds each night on both sides, and then keep doing that every night and maybe try holding it for 45 seconds, then a minute, then 2 minutes etc. keep trying! i know you can do it if you just keep practicing!!:-D

YES! Just make sure that you stretch every day, twice a day, for about fifteen minutes or so. It might only take a couple of weeks. Good luck!
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