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Position:Home>Dancing> Pre pointe southern NH classes????

Question:Where can I take Pre-Pointe, then pointe, classes in New Hampshire near Merrimack? Is it cheap? Is it strict or friendly? Send me the website if you can!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where can I take Pre-Pointe, then pointe, classes in New Hampshire near Merrimack? Is it cheap? Is it strict or friendly? Send me the website if you can!!!!!!!!!

I take ballet in the Lexington Ballet and we did pre point. You can do it by yourself. Have an adult with you. Don't do any spins or anything with one foot. Do prances, plies, and releves with both feet, with a bar.

Just look for any dance studio in the area... Google it. If they have ballet, they'll most likely have pointe, and if they have pointe they'll always have a pre-pointe class.