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Position:Home>Dancing> Any recommendations on a good place to take dance lessons in the San Jose, CA ar

Question:After all this "Dancing with the Stars" stuff, I can't stand it. I have to learn how to dance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: After all this "Dancing with the Stars" stuff, I can't stand it. I have to learn how to dance.
You can look for both group or private lessons at the above places.
There is also Starlite, they have awesome dance floor, social parties and decent group lessons.
Cubberley Pavilion is a good beginner venue for both group lessons and socials.
If you're in a proper age range that is anywhere near college studet age - both San Jose State University and Stanford University have ballroom dance teams which offer good group lessons.

You are in a good place to learn ballroom! Ask me more detailed questions, you'll get more detailed answers cause I'm from around here and I take ballroom lessons for 6 years.

Dex knows.