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Position:Home>Dancing> Any Exercises To Make Develope A La Seconde Higher In Ballet?

Question:If anyone knows any exercises to improve the height of develope a la seconde, that would be great. At the moment, I would like to achieve long and high lines when I develope my leg to the side, but I'm not sure as to what exercises I can do to strengthen my muscles and get this result. If there are any exercises, would be fantastic! Cheers!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If anyone knows any exercises to improve the height of develope a la seconde, that would be great. At the moment, I would like to achieve long and high lines when I develope my leg to the side, but I'm not sure as to what exercises I can do to strengthen my muscles and get this result. If there are any exercises, would be fantastic! Cheers!

Just keep stretching. Get one of the elastic bands and use it to stretch your leg up. Even if you aren't doing the move itself if you are stretching your leg up then it will help. Just be able to move your stretch far because if you can then you can pretty much get your legs as high as you want. Just keep stretching in splits and get to be able to do it really well.GOOD LUCK