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Position:Home>Dancing> Can you do pointe(ballet) if you were previously injured?

Question:over the summer i have broken my toe it started to heal crooked but it just a little spaced out now will i still be able to go on pointe even though its healed?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: over the summer i have broken my toe it started to heal crooked but it just a little spaced out now will i still be able to go on pointe even though its healed?

Usually, yes. To start pointe, you should have a doctor's clearance, which means they would take your old injuries into account. If you have any questions or concerns, either go find a podiatrist or someone who specializes in dance injuries. I'm not a doctor and I haven't even seen your foot, so don't take my word for anything.

Until you do get it checked out, here are the basic things that will probably stop you from dancing on pointe.
-current injuries (duh)
-injuries that are healed but weakness still remains
-injuries that will leave permanent weakness
-injuries that severely deform your foot or ankle to the point where it affects your balance or ability to wear shoes
-injuries that leave permanent damage to soft tissue or bone

I think you'll just need to see what happens. I've broken several toes before, and they healed just fine. Honestly, breaks are less likely to mess up your feet than soft tissue injuries are. Anyway, if you try going on pointe and feel any weakness or pain near where the break was, that's a bad sign and you need to get it checked out, but you should be okay.

I hurt my ankle and I wasn't aloud to do pointe for a year. It was because I could easily re-injure it. I am not sure what the philosophy of your doctor is. Ask him/her what they think, they may think you should take a month or so off and then you can start up later. Good luck HOpe you can dance soon!