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Position:Home>Dancing> Is ballroom dancing a sport?

Question:Is it a sport. A socilizing event. A hobby. If chess is a sport why not dancing. I mean their competions.......

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it a sport. A socilizing event. A hobby. If chess is a sport why not dancing. I mean their competions.......

Try to answer a question "what is the difference between dance and other athletic activities". Once you answer that, you'll know the answer to your question.

If it is a sport, why am I wearing 3 inch heels and have to pay attention to that annoying music that totally gets in a way of my energetic dancing? LOL.

It is a sport, in a way, but it is so much more than a sport. I think if you ask karate masters if karate is a sport they can't give you an answer that you were looking for.

It makes you sweat and there's a chance of getting hurt, that makes it a sport in my book.
But then again, the same thing could be said about sex. (now THAT would get fans at the Olympics.)

Ballroom dancing is competitive, so it's like a sport in that way. You need training and practice to be good at it.

"Dancing with the Stars", on the other hand, gives ballroom dancing a bad name.

Competitive ballroom dancing is called "dancesport"

Yes, ballroom dancing is a sport. Hence the term "dancesport," which is usually used when referring to competitive ballroom dance.

For thousands of folks ballroom dance is indeed a socializing event. This is their time to get together with their friends and strut their stuff. Many dance clubs and societies have weekly get togethers. When there is a competition, most of us will head out to cheer on their friends if we're not dancing. For others, it's just a hobby - just something fun to do in their no-so-spare time.