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Question:I have been daning for 13 years now and right now my weight is 122 lbs and I am 4'11

is that good enough
or should I wiegh less?

only dancers who are in ballet or any other dance similar should answer.. thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been daning for 13 years now and right now my weight is 122 lbs and I am 4'11

is that good enough
or should I wiegh less?

only dancers who are in ballet or any other dance similar should answer.. thanks

It really depends what you are doing with your ballet and what the company is looking for. You sound like you are at a healthy weight.

Very traditional and very competetive ballet companys often prefer dancers without curves to the audience will look at your movements rather than your body. Depending on your natural body type this may or may not be a healthy ideal.

Companies that perform more progressive styles of ballet and other dance, tend to be more open to normal sized women with normal bodies.

Some dance troupes prefer tall dancers and others need short dancers. You really can't mold your body to each possible type a dance company is looking for.

I would suggest dancing your heart out, eating a healthy balanced diet with lots of fresh raw veggies and the body will take care of itself. If you are good at what you do, just audition until you connect with a dance company that is looking for your body type.

This is only if you are looking at being a professional performing or competitive dancer. If you are dancing for your own pleasure or teaching dance, then your weight is truly a non issue.

Listen I have been dancing ballet for 10 years. I am 5'6 and weigh 140 pounds. It doesn't matter. You have to have confidence in yourself not in your weight. You are fine and you need to quit worrying about things like that.

it depends. some people look a lot lighter than they weigh. like i am about that size, but Ive asked people how much they thaught i weighed and they would usually say somewhere around 95-100 pounds. so if you dont look overweight and you have healthy eating and excersize habits than i wouldnt do anything about it.

i dont think it matters what you weigh ,, as long as you have passion for dance , thats great !

well, most ppl say that you should weigh 125 when u r 5'5" so....its really up to you to decide

I'm not a ballet dancer, but I would like to offer my opinion on stick-thin ballet dancers. It is hideously ugly to see a "pinhead" figure, ribs showing above the breasts, arms muscled, yet thin like overcooked chicken wings. Ugh. And it's even worse when breasts are built into the costume to try to make a figure. No, perhaps it's worse when the male and female dancers are together and they have the same flat chest. Go to Netflix and get the documentary on Suzanne Farrell. She was slender, but still womanly and it is lovely to watch her normal, human, female figure in the dance.

Well, to be perfectly truthful, for ballet, you're slightly on the heavy side. I'm not promoting extreme thinness (which is what some people relate to when they think of ballet) - and I don't know about your technique, and anything else, really, and if you're en pointe - but shedding some pounds might be beneficial to your health as well as to your general performance in dance.

And some teachers are concerned with their students' weight, and will not put them on stage if they are a little heavy. And in response to dancing_girl111, well, at 5"5 and 125lbs, it would seem that she would be within the normal height-to-weight range, but it can't be said that at 5"5, the dancer should weigh 125lbs. Some people might think that it's too heavy. Dance teachers often say that dancers should be 5-10lbs lighter than regular people with the same height.

I'm not saying I agree with everything, but that's the truth.

well, i think its a bit heavy, but not too much- im pretty average i guess- im 5"2 1/2 or 5"3 and weigh like 112, but alot of it is muscle, so it all depends on how old u r too

Don't look at the number on the scale. Ive found that number to be very misleading in cases where girls look like they weigh a lot less than they actually do. Look in the mirror and if your happy with what you see then thats good enough. But theres always going to be that expectation that dancers be thin, i once had this teacher who said to us "if you weigh over 115 the boy has no obligation to lift you" So i'm not saying dont ever worry about it, but don't go to that other extreme either