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Position:Home>Dancing> Could anyone show me a link, of an example of how people dance at a school dance

Question:I have a school dance this friday..and i dont really know how to dance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a school dance this friday..and i dont really know how to dance!

every1 dances differently..,dont worry about it...if ur worried then just follow ur friends

Once everyone starts dancing, just shake it.
Haha. Don't worry about dancing. Just let go and be crazy. I'm no professional, but I just...well, move.

at my school dance there was a huge crowd in the middle near the DJ and barely any one on the out side!!! in the middle everyone was so close there were girls grinding girls BEWARE!!! LOL!!!


If your school is anything like the one I went to, you have nothing to worry about. NOBODY could dance there.

first you need a date then you go to dancing
lessons if you dont get what your looking for ask your mom
if your moms not cool then i dont know what to tell you sorry

u tube is always great for finding videos on how to dance i found a video of a guy who teaches amazing steps to songs

Three words: Bump and Grind.

Find your own little world and move your hips to the beat. Also, watch other people to see what they're doing and try and imitate them. Just have fun! Dancing is easy once you get the hang of it