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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance-leg extensions...please help me!?

Question:ok so i was on youtube and i was watching this nine year old do all of these leg extensions...i cant even do them and im 13 years old! i know im a good dancer high kicks and everything but i cand find that "special" muscle you need to do it. its really starting to bug me. i know that im not as flexible as i used to be because ive grown about 5 inches over a 6 month period...i hate it! i need to know what stretches and excersices i can do to get my leg up and hold it there! i can also use some other tips if you got any!

thank. Jessie

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok so i was on youtube and i was watching this nine year old do all of these leg extensions...i cant even do them and im 13 years old! i know im a good dancer high kicks and everything but i cand find that "special" muscle you need to do it. its really starting to bug me. i know that im not as flexible as i used to be because ive grown about 5 inches over a 6 month period...i hate it! i need to know what stretches and excersices i can do to get my leg up and hold it there! i can also use some other tips if you got any!

thank. Jessie

Firstly, don't get too stressed. Extensions take a lot of practise. I stretch everyday and do a bit of muscle strengthening and I still can't get my leg extensions further than 100 degrees every way (I'm 14).

Since you're getting your growth spurt, maybe you can focus on regaining your flexibility rather than doing intensive strengthening right now. Here are a few tips when your growth starts to slow down:

? Remember to always plie (bend) out of leg extension training, it helps to slim down your quadraceps (thigh muscles) instead of building a lot of bulk.

? Leg extensions do require a great deal of abdominal and core strength as well as leg strength. When you are extending, remember to keep your hips level and start with something lower and set yourself a goal. Doing crunches every second day and trying to lift your leg to a higher surface (slowly – because it helps for when you have to hold it there) everyday.

Hope that helped!

Best of luck!

During puburty muscles and legs grow very fast, this may cause you to not have as much strengh in them as you used to. Once your growing rate has slowed down a bit you will be able to regained the flexiblity and muscle strength you used to have :o)