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Position:Home>Dancing> I was told i dance like a white girl?

Question:i'm african american and all my friends tell me that i dance like a white girl is that a insult?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'm african american and all my friends tell me that i dance like a white girl is that a insult?

me 2 but who carries once I'm drunk i don't give a damn...white girls dance sexy and i take it as a my circle of friends are white friends think i dance blk friends think other wise..can't please em all!

yes. stop doing the dance where you bend your knee and grab your ankle. it's too white

yes, def. is... don't count while dancing, just feel the beat... don't 1...2...3...4. It just make your dancing look robotic.

Yeh, to white girls.

Yes. it is an insult because you don't have any rhythm.

Some times it can be. I am white, but i know a lot of the time if an african is told that is an insult. Or it could be your friends just teasing you.

I'm afraid it might be. For us whites, if it were the other way around (that we "danced like blacks"), it would probably be meant and taken as a compliment.

i'm sure because of some cultural differences, it can sometimes seem that african americans have more natural ability to express music and "rhythm" than white people. nowadays though it seems like white people are finally catching the beat. :)

Yea, it's supposed to be an insult, but playful I guess you can say? I'm hispanic and I really am not fond of dancing at like clubs or parties (I love in Miami so it's hard to avoid it), and when i'm forced to, I dance so..."blah", that my friends will say "Oh my god, stop dancing like a white girl."

It's not meant to offend really, but yea, they are making fun of your dancing, don't take it too seriously though.

Lmao, sorry but growing up I heard the same one summer I spent it watching videos and forcing myself to at least get down the I wish someone would suggest that is the case. I have really improved and I love to turn the tables on those same people when we go to the Latin club or the Reggae Club.

Also for some reason it helps to have at least 1 drink in my system so I don't feel so self-conscious.

Im white and i can dance 4 sure! thats racist!! ppl just make up thier own sloppy dances and say if u cant do that u cant dance!

Only if You want it to be !!! I didn't know there were different ways to "DANCE LIKE SOMEONE ELSE" dance to "MUSIC" not to "SKIN COLOR" or anything else!!!!!!!!!!! So tell your friends to GROW UP!!!!! and FEEL the "MUSIC" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kyeah thats kind of an insult. but dont let them put you down! just practice.

it's meant to be an insult, but i've seen some beautiful dancers....regardless of race.

i'm white n i'm a dancer (breakdance)
..... but yea it was meant to b an insult...maybe 'cause ur friends dance slutty...n u don....
juzz keep on doin ur thing regardless to wat dey say...wen u dance u express who u r n wat u feel....