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Position:Home>Dancing> Foot undeez?

Question:i want these leopard foot undies, and i cant find a picture of them. they dont have them at, or capezio.
i dont want a store, or where to get them. i want a picture of the leopard ones.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want these leopard foot undies, and i cant find a picture of them. they dont have them at, or capezio.
i dont want a store, or where to get them. i want a picture of the leopard ones.

^^here they are! (if you like those check out the polka dot ones underneath...those you cool too!)



i couldnt find leapord ones but my friend bought the tan ones and used permanent markers to colour them! she did stripes but you could do leapord ,, it actually worked really well !

personally, i think that the kind u r talking about r uncomfortable but, its up to you...try a sansha store online or a local dance store