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Question:Like chris brown.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Like chris brown.?

take some dance classes
if u have a talented friend get him/her to teach u...


Rent some dance videos from the movie store or the library

Check the library for a book or a video tape to learn the steps and practice practice practice. Use music.

Then you have to practice with a partner.

marci can teach you

try a video on youtube there are loads of how to's or you could just watch the vids and try to copy it ........

Look at his music videos and try to copy some of his moves.
Also, try watching the movie Honey! I dont know if youve seen it but its about a girl who dances hiphop. Its really good + great dance stuff in it !

Good luck !

and who told u he is a good dancer ?? my dog dances much much better than him..

well you could take a hip-hop class at a local dance school. Or you could just watch some of his music videos and teach yourself... thats what i did and i dance like an OG
jk lol yeah but i taught myself and i think that i am a pretty good dancer!!!