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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you learn how to do a ballet spin without taking ballet classes?

Question:Im not sure if its ballet, looks like someone has a leg bent and their foot is on their other leg and they are spinning real fast for a very long time..
I really wanna know how to do it....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im not sure if its ballet, looks like someone has a leg bent and their foot is on their other leg and they are spinning real fast for a very long time..
I really wanna know how to do it....

I know this sounds repetitive, but I hope I can offer you a better explanation.

There are many types of pirouettes in ballet. I find that the easiest is to do this:

1. Start with your feet together.

2. Extend your right foot in front of you, toes pointed.

3. Put your right foot flat on the ground, bending your right knee and straightening your left (feet remain flat on the ground), so it's kind of a lunge. At this point, your right arm is bent in front of you, but parallel to the floor, and your left arm is open, straight, to the side of you.

4. Now, open on your right arm so it's the same with your left and at the same time, push your left foot of the ground so that it touches your knee. While you're opening your right arm to the side, your left arm is going to follow and help swing your body around.

If that didn't help, here's a Youtube video, to video to show you how it should look like:

Best of luck! It comes with a lot of practise.

i think youre talking about a pirouette (pire-ou-ette).
its kind of hard to explain if you dont know what ballet terms are .. but ill try.

start in 4th position (feet turned out, one about 1/2 foot in front of the other), pop up onto the ball of your front foot and bend the other leg in retire , so the foots at yuor knee and spin.. its harder than it looks soo uhh yeahh .. good luck !

well its called a pirouette. I dont know if you can learn it without taking classes. to do many turns requires good technique and a lot of practice. It's really hard to explain in words and id probably have to make a video to show you, but message me or somethin if you want me to

there are lots of ballet "spins" but i expect you mean a pirouette which is hard

first of all, there is no such thing as a ballet "spin"...a spin is uncontroled....a turn is what you do in ballet but, you are probably talking about a pirouette. and if you find a good video on you tube and study it carefully then, maybe you could learn but, other than that and having a friend teach you, you would probly have to take lessons

I found this video on youtube that shows a very slow turning pirouette(sp?). Note that this dancer is wearing POINT please, don't try to turn on the top of your foot like that. Instead, turn on the balls of your feet(where your toes meet your foot). Anyways, hope I helped. Here's the video!

its hard to do without proper training. if you dont kno what muscles to use or your center of balance it can be difficult.

you start in 5th position.

knees going opposite eachother facing the walls on either side and heel touching the other foots toes on both sides..

then for the prep point one of your feet out and then put it back (behind you) to 4th position. just like 5th but with a space in between.

then plie bend your kneed and stay straight on your center and push up using your arms to spin you around with the upward motion.

doing this with your knee turned out and side of foot to the opposite knee.

see its hard to explain and understand...

so i would recommend searching "piroette" on youtube or something to see it, then try it. otherwise it might be a little blurry on how your supposed to do it.

spin?????? there is no such thing as a spin in ballet!!! it ia turn, you spot something while you turn! you cannot just learn how to do a pirouette, you have to learn all the basic steps that are incorporated into this. positions, turnout, plies, spotting, portebra, head movement, shape of the foot, posse, releve, balancing (haha didn't spell those right). i would advise taking ballet classes. those are really hard and it is mainly advanced dancers you see doing those.