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Position:Home>Dancing> I need to know ho to do the crank that batman.?

Question:I already tried youtube and they dont have any tutorials.
I watched other people do it but it seems like there is too many moves to memorize.
Anybody have instructions on hot to do it or know a site?
I only know some of the moves.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I already tried youtube and they dont have any tutorials.
I watched other people do it but it seems like there is too many moves to memorize.
Anybody have instructions on hot to do it or know a site?
I only know some of the moves.

The only thing I could suggest is watching people's video on youtube doing the batman. You would definitely get the gist of the dance. If you don't want to do that then ask someone that you know to teach you. Good luck :)

Here are some videos of people doing it:
search soulja boy dance, it's an instructional video
i could type how to do it, but it would take forever!