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Position:Home>Dancing> What kind of traditional dance is slow juke?

Question:Slow Juke is a dance that I believe has come back in the form of slow drag dancing, the kind done did way back in the Juke joint days, the 60's, when people in the rural areas of the city would go to bars called Juke Joints, because of the music, a mixture of Blues, and the R & B, (Before the days of disco's and clubs) and that's where the men and women would do a real slow winding, dragging dance with each other. Too slow for me and too dragging. But I haven't seen the modern version of it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Slow Juke is a dance that I believe has come back in the form of slow drag dancing, the kind done did way back in the Juke joint days, the 60's, when people in the rural areas of the city would go to bars called Juke Joints, because of the music, a mixture of Blues, and the R & B, (Before the days of disco's and clubs) and that's where the men and women would do a real slow winding, dragging dance with each other. Too slow for me and too dragging. But I haven't seen the modern version of it.