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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you like to dance in the rain?

Question:Of course, dancing in the rain, just dancing in the rain, what a beautiful feeling, all over again.......


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Of course, dancing in the rain, just dancing in the rain, what a beautiful feeling, all over again.......


horizontal dancing is always good


yes it is very relaxing


yes in the nude it's great

Absolutely,growing up India we have the monsoons.During the monsoon season it rains day and night for about 3-4 months.It is also extremely warm,and the rains help to cool things a bit.It's a great feeling to feel the rain on your face and get completely drenched and dance with abandon!!!

When I was young, yes, I did love to dance in the rain, walk, run. barefoot. It was refreshing, and soothing,

yeah but im not aloud

How could you not? All the rain is dancing down, and the pattering beat is wonderful. I can't dance at all, and I just want to run up and down the street and dance when it rains out. :D

I'll dance anywhere, in any weather!

NO WAY! I'll get soaking wet! (UNLESS I'm wearing my raincoat and carrying my umbrella)