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Position:Home>Dancing> What are some ways I can improve my arch?

Question:Buy one of those big elastic band things that are made for exercise. They come and many different colours, depending on the force you want to have. I think you can get them in pretty much any sports store (my dancer teacher used to recommend the blue). What you do is you wrap it around you arch and pull on the sides of the band while pointing your toes. Do this every day and your arch should improve.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Buy one of those big elastic band things that are made for exercise. They come and many different colours, depending on the force you want to have. I think you can get them in pretty much any sports store (my dancer teacher used to recommend the blue). What you do is you wrap it around you arch and pull on the sides of the band while pointing your toes. Do this every day and your arch should improve.

Do relevé and then plié while you're up there to make your feet stronger. or just practice pointing your feet hard.