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Question:if i want to teach dance should i major in dance edu. or just dance b/c the college i want to going to has both .....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if i want to teach dance should i major in dance edu. or just dance b/c the college i want to going to has both .....

Since you already know what you want to do with a degree in dance - which is to teach dance - then you have your answer. Choose the dance teaching major. Most of your classes will be the same as the straight dance major, but whereas those students will need more performing credits, you'll get extra credits in dance pedagogy (how to teach).

i would major in both but that is just me.

I would major in Dance education. I'm asuming that you already are a skillful dancer and you really need the expierence teaching. Although not majoring in this area consider it as a minor. This will give you more time to focus in the education part but also will continue to master your dancing.

HOpe this helps:)