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Position:Home>Dancing> I know I'm not to old but...(plz help)?

Question:I think I'm to old to start doing hip-hop, break, alternetive, or Flemanco dance. I'm only 13. I dont' want to take any classes beacuse I think I'm to old and I cant' get that thought out of my head. I love dancing a lot. I dance all of the time by myself. I've already taked 1 year of hip-hop and 3 years of ballet

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think I'm to old to start doing hip-hop, break, alternetive, or Flemanco dance. I'm only 13. I dont' want to take any classes beacuse I think I'm to old and I cant' get that thought out of my head. I love dancing a lot. I dance all of the time by myself. I've already taked 1 year of hip-hop and 3 years of ballet

Your not to old. And there's a saying I always heard
"Your never too old to learn something new "
If you really love dancing,don't quit. You will regret when your older. If I was you,I would keep taking those classes and even expand to other classes like belly dancing, so that you can become better then what you are now and become the best.
Start thinking bigger with dancing, the more experience you have can matter, depending if you want to pursue this as a career. You can become a dance teacher when your older, something along those categories.

You're not too old at 13, trust're never too old to learn something new.

No Sweetie, you are not too old. Too old is when you can't comprehend the newer steps and have trouble moving! Take the classes and do what you truly enjoy.

Go to the local community center with ur parents and sign up.... My coworker (who is 30) just signed up for a hip hop class and she said there were people of all ages in there! I think you should totally do it!!

Yeah, 13 is too old.. you should be in a retirement home already and collect social security checks..

just kiddin'..

go for it, kid. as long as your parents allow you to go, 13 is old enough (or young enough) to be taking dance lessons. The only time you're too old to dance is when you're lying in your hospital bed with a drip tube in your arm, and your legs don't carry you like they used to.

You're definitely not too old!!!

Sabre, who won "So You Think You Can Dance" last season, started dancing in her late teens and had only been dancing a couple of years before she went on the show.

Plus you already have dance experience behind you, making it a lot easier for you to learn.

If I were you I would either look into Community Ed type classes or Dance Schools that cater to teenage beginners. There are plenty of classes for you.

Good luck!!

You are definetely not too old. If you look at a lot of professional dancers websites you'll see that a lot of them didn't start dancing 'til they were 13 or 14 and look how they ended up. I'm 14 and started Latin and ballroom last year after doing tap for 10. I really love it!

Age is in the mind not the body. You should have seen our dance team doing the melborn shuffle. Some of our members are in there 80's. I think you are the perfect age to start. Your body will not come into its prime for dancing until you hit about 16-20 anyway.

O dont worry Im thirteen too but ive been dancing since I was 5 and trust me its never to late to start dancing cuz i forced my friend to take ballet and hip-hop at my school and shes actually pretty good if you watch ----"so you think you can dance" you would know of sabra she just started dancing like three years ago and shes like 20 sumthing but she is define the wrd AMAZING im pretty sure you would be too if you work hard and keep at it hope this helps =D

Well, you might start out with little kids. But you'll work your way up to more advanced levels faster than they do! ;]

Your not too old at all. Most people do start at an early age, me for example began at 3, but I didnt begin hip hop till i was about 12 and Im now 16 and we still have new people joining the stuido all the time. If you really want to do it, then join.