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Position:Home>Dancing> What's the best dance step when someone is shooting at your feet?

Question:Jig? Polka? Cha cha? Answer urgently needed -- may be too late already.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Jig? Polka? Cha cha? Answer urgently needed -- may be too late already.

Although I'm a more of a ballroom person these days, I would go for battement glissé, which is a ballet step. It is a kicking movement. Your feet appear to glide 2-3 cm off the floor, thus avoiding any of the pesky bullets.

Here's hoping you still have both your feet!

step ball change.. you can get a good momentum and move your feet in all directions without losing your rhythm.

Try tap-dancing

lol chicken noodle soup

The JUMPING step, you jump outta their way