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Position:Home>Dancing> How to get VERY flexible and VERY flawless pirouettes?

ive been dancing ballet for 3 years and last year i took a year off due to money problems. this year i rejoined a new studio and im starting ballet again. I realized im not a strong or flexible as i used to be and my pirouettes aren't as strong either. i just need some tips so i can get back to the same point i was 1 year ago. this is mostly intended for ballet dancers who kno their stuff.

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ive been dancing ballet for 3 years and last year i took a year off due to money problems. this year i rejoined a new studio and im starting ballet again. I realized im not a strong or flexible as i used to be and my pirouettes aren't as strong either. i just need some tips so i can get back to the same point i was 1 year ago. this is mostly intended for ballet dancers who kno their stuff.

I have been dancing ballet since i was 5. I know my stuff. For your pirouettes spot your head,obviously,stretch you supporting knee, go up on a full demi-pointe, close your rib cage,shoulders down,long neck and straighten your pelvis.
Getting flexible is the easy part,Stretch every morning,every evening and when your flat on the ground right split use 1 phone book under your front foot, when your flat in your left split use 1 phone book under your front foot and when your down in your russian split use 1 phone book under each foot. Keep adding 1 phone book every time you are touching the ground. Have fun dancing!!!!!! :D

To get more flexible.. the fastest way is to do about 5 - 15 minutes of stretching everyday [don't pull any muscles though..]
stretch the calves, hamstrings, etc. Also do the splits [if you can, if you cant, it's okay, go as low as possible and hold the position for about 30 seconds] and basically all the stretches you can think of.
Do this for a week, and by the next week, you'll start to notice that you can stretch further, lower, etc.

For the pirouettes.. those take practice. As long as you have the momentum and balance, you should be fine :)

get ust to it since you knew that you were good you know that you will learn faster the second time! thats what im sorta goin through!

I have been studying ballet for 2 years. Before you do pirouettes you should have stretchings first. To have a flexible and flawless piroutte you should know how to balance in a relavae passe (i forget the spelling of relavae hope you understand pronunciation is re-la-vey). You should be in 4th position of the feet and 3rd position of the arm before you spin. Balance yourself when you're already spinning and you need to stop in 4th position of the feet also. Before practicing pirouettes you should know how to spot in a soutenou (never knew the spelling i also forgot but it means spinning without passe). After you spin you should still be in your place (meaning not bumping to the one beside you).
Anyway where do you study ballet?
I study in Halili Cruz School Of Ballet , here in the Philippines.

I'm not sure what flexibility has to do with a good pirouette- do you mean getting your working leg far to the side? That will come with the rest of your training. When practicing turns, you should focus on the beginning and then the turning itself. Start without a turn- just go to releve and balance. Then add half a turn, then a full turn and so on. Start with a deep plie, with your weight distributed evenly between your feet. Pull up your working leg as quickly as possible as you come to releve on your standing leg. As you do this, feel the side of your back pull you around to the opposite side.
Spotting is also important in turning. Pick a focus point directly in front of you- keep your eyes on it as you turn until you must move your head, and then quickly whip your head around back to the spot.
Another little trick: while you practice consecutive pirouettes, oretend oyur working foot is stapled to the floor. It really helps!

It seems like the other answers really have things covered, but a trick I learned for pirouettes is to swing the hand in third before your body. You don't wind your waist, and it helps you really get around.