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Position:Home>Dancing> Why is that Soulja Boy dance so popular?

Question:I learned it but I don't see why it's so cool. It's not unique or creative and anybody could have made it up.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I learned it but I don't see why it's so cool. It's not unique or creative and anybody could have made it up.

Because there are a lot of military people out there that go nuts for this song. My fiance is a soldier and we fell in love with that song and also the soulja girl song when it came out! It's just catchy and it's got a good hook. Thats all it takes these days. The song is blowing up all over the country because people remember it and like it... The dance may be dumb, but it's all in good fun.

because people are dumb and they think that stuff that has already been done is cool. people are afraid to be unique. not everyone though, but a lot are.

wtf military people like it? if my marine brother saw anyone singing or dancing to that lame *** "soulja boy" song, he would stomp their ******* teeth in

Soulja boy is popular because that is the new Chicken Noodle soup.A dance that is not only fun but everyone can do it that is why.

because everyone can do it! think about it if it were really hard to do no one would like it, you only need to know the steps and your done its not like other dances were you need experience