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Position:Home>Dancing> Can anyone tell me good exercises for someone going en poine in 6 months?

Question:Im going en pointe in 6 months, but I want to start making my ankles stronger. Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im going en pointe in 6 months, but I want to start making my ankles stronger. Any suggestions?


I was on a dance team for my school and I also did ballet at a theatre,
and i was soo happy my coach was hard on us and made us do so many releves for punishment because it made my ankles super strong and going en pointe ended up being easier for me than other girls. So even though its the most basic thing, releves releves releves! Till you cant do any more :]


you will need to get stronger ankles so you shoudl practice rises and holds on releve thats shoudl help!

work on exercizes that practice your foot work
tendus are good to do
just keep doing em
there are a lot of barre excercizes that can help your foot work
ask your teacher

plie releves and plie coupe releves are the best.

anything at the barre that involves releves work good. thats what i did for when i went en pointe

About 500 single foot releves/day....yes, I am serious. Don't injure yourself, but do until you think your calves are going to pop off

Before I got my pointe shoes, I practiced by doing rises and releves at the barre. Do them slowly, because that really strengthens your ankles. A bit of a tester too is to (sideways to the barre) rise on one foot and put your other in a passe. Then hold it for 45 seconds, and DON'T sickle! That's a bit of what I had to do to pass for pointe shoes, and it really helps. Other than that, just really work your muscles and increase your turnout. Your teacher probably has some great exercises too. Have fun. Remember- not pain, no gain.

TOE RAISES! LIKE 13455838383 million ahah love u Bye <3 Ro

Running. And basic ststretches of your feet and ankles! When you rise in ballet shoes, you know you are strong enough when you rise and you are not rocking on your ankles.