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Position:Home>Dancing> What would I have to wear to ballet Im a boy?

Question:What would I have to Wear to Bllet? I dont care i would just like to know

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What would I have to Wear to Bllet? I dont care i would just like to know

Best thing would be to ask your teacher, but i wear a black singlett and black tights (And the belt that people before me have said), aswell as black ballet shoes. You may also just wear a regular white T-Shirt. Hope you enjoy ballet.

Your Ballet instructor would be best source for your answer.


"Male students will wear a plain white T-shirt and black tights and sports belt." is usually what you would wear.

usually tights an a leotardt but best ask ur dance teacher

Usually a Tshirt or tank, a dance belt and tights. Check out this site that sells dance wear for men:

My grandson son takes ballet lessons. He wears a white tee shirt, black trousers (like jogging bottoms) and black ballet shoes.

Depends on your ballet teacher and the standard of the classes/school, but it's normally something like a black, white or grey t-shirt and black or navy trousers of shorts. You wouldn't be made to wear tights or anything like that so don't worry!