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Question:Hey everyone. Ive been dancing for so long. But the thing is... ive been so busy because of cheer i have been only taking one kind of dance for a while and that was hiphop. Since winter is coming up that means snow is coming down, and wehre i go to dance is kinda far from where i live, my parents want me to take a break during the winter, but i persuaded them to lemme dance one kind of dance... heres the deal:
ive been taking hip hop my whole life and i think i am really good at it, i love it so much its my fav. I wanna try jazz again, i havent dont it for a while... Should i take jazz during the winter and get the hang of it to start doing it and hiphop in the spring or stick with Hiphop? Plz tell me, i know its a stupid long question but i really dont know what i should do? Its killin me, dance is my life and i want to make sure i make the right decission the winter sessions are 14 weeks long so if i do jazz its will b for a while? Any ideas thanx for reading this long question!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey everyone. Ive been dancing for so long. But the thing is... ive been so busy because of cheer i have been only taking one kind of dance for a while and that was hiphop. Since winter is coming up that means snow is coming down, and wehre i go to dance is kinda far from where i live, my parents want me to take a break during the winter, but i persuaded them to lemme dance one kind of dance... heres the deal:
ive been taking hip hop my whole life and i think i am really good at it, i love it so much its my fav. I wanna try jazz again, i havent dont it for a while... Should i take jazz during the winter and get the hang of it to start doing it and hiphop in the spring or stick with Hiphop? Plz tell me, i know its a stupid long question but i really dont know what i should do? Its killin me, dance is my life and i want to make sure i make the right decission the winter sessions are 14 weeks long so if i do jazz its will b for a while? Any ideas thanx for reading this long question!

I think either way you will enjoy it.

If you do Jazz, you will still be good at Hip Hop and you would be developing your skills on being a jazz dancer.

But if you stick with Hip Hop, you will be getting better at Hip Hop but only at Hip Hop.

Hip Hop and Jazz aren't miles apart. They are kind of similar and you see the same kind of moves in both, but they are altered a bit more.

Expect to see a lot more turns, leaps and jumps in Jazz though.

Hope this helps!

I think you should stick with hip-hop, if I'm reading the question right. lol.

i think you should stick with hip hop because i mean jazz is kinda separate kind of dance, so it wouldn't really help you in hip hop. hope i helped! good luck!

Why don't you take jazz during the winter, but still practice your hip hop. And during spring take jazz but still practice hip hop. I think you should try to be consistent in both dances and you can practice dancing by yourself.

I take jazz hip hop which is a combination of both. We do mostly hip hop but with jazz leaps and turns. It's really fun! If your dance academy doesn't offer this class, then I'd take hip hop. You will hone your skills, stay in practice, and get really good at it. Have fun :]

i think you should stay with hip hop since you've been doing it so long.

I love jazz! It's my favorite kind of dance! I think you should still practice hip hop, but take jazz lessons and get the hang of jazz because, in my opinion, jazz is the funnest kind of dance there is. Jazz is like a combination of ballet and tap, yet it still has its own style in ways. So you would be learning all about jazz and learn a few ballet and tap moves. Just think about it and decide on whatever you think would be better. Good luck!

stick with hip hop
chances are that jazz is sooooooo different you won't be able to catch up
and if you want a career in hip hop, it's good to just stick with that