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Position:Home>Dancing> Do i have to take ballet if i want to be a professional dancer ?

Question:i want to go to a dance university in london but i dunno if i will get in because i dont do ballet lessons

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want to go to a dance university in london but i dunno if i will get in because i dont do ballet lessons

You don't really necessarily have to take Ballet. But it really helps because Ballet is the foundation of dancing. Just try it and the worst thing that happens is you don't like it. And if you don't.... still try your hardest and work your butt off to get to the University!! But the only thing that really matters is that you are happy and that you have fun.. so do what you heart tells you to do! Just have fun and Don't STOP Dancing! Good Luck in getting into the Dance University in London!! I am sure you will be great!

I really think you should, most proffesional dancers have always done ballet, and ballet impacts on all other types of dance too (Jazz, Contempary.etc). Ballet also greatly helps with flexibility. I think if you want to become a professional, you should start ballet now before its too late, cause when you get older and u havent done ballet, that'll decrease your chances of becomnig good at it.

yes, you have to take ballet lessons, because you can easily dance, the ballet needs flexibility.......... I like ballet, it is a wonderful dance!!!!!!!

I would strongly reccomend it because ballet helps with technique for like all styles of dance ! Even if you dont want to be a ballet dancer, take ballet to get better in the style you do want to be proffesional in !