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Position:Home>Dancing> Ingrown toe nail!!?

Question:IM a dnacer how do i prevent one recital in two weeks sooo quick please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: IM a dnacer how do i prevent one recital in two weeks sooo quick please

If your starting to get one soak it in not hot but as hot as you can handle water with epsom salt. As someone has already said. Do this atleast once a day if not more. Make sure you dont pick at it or do anything else with it because it can cause infection. If you can tell that you have collection of puss on the side of where your ingrown toe nail soaking it is the best solution as well as it will sooth it. You can also take a hot washcloth and lay it atop of your infected toe and this can release some of the puss. Before you go to bed to help sooth it so it wont be so painful put some vaseline on a bandaid and wrap your toe on that and in the morning wash it with a hot washcloth and you can even wrap it with vaseline through out the day to help make it not so painful.

If you do choose to go with what some of the other people have said and cut it MAKE SURE your clippers are steril because it can cause an even greater infection if there not. To sterilize it simply take a clean bowl and fill it with enough medical alchol to cover the clippers. Leave them in there for about 10 minutes and then rinse it with hot water.

Hope i helped.

Soak in warm water and Epsom salts whenever possible. After soaking try using a nail file of manicure stick to pull the nail slightly upward. If done regularly (2 - 3 x a day, soaking for 30 minutes a time) you should be okay by next week.

i have it too. but i went to the doctor check up. a week later surgury on it and then after a day or 5 your good. there is no other way plus i had mine for like 6 month dealing with pain.

if you have one, you need to dig it out. it hurts like HELL but in order to get it, you have to get it out. make sure to cut the top of your toe nail straight. and put a little piece of cotton in between your toe nail and the side of your toe (when the ingrown is.) it will hurt....but keep it in there. you'll get used to it. and it will make your nail grow to where its supposed to be!

hope it helps ya!


cut your toenail at an angle where the ingrowth is.
kind of like if you done it both sides, your nail would be pointy.

like that

then just pull on the side that the nail is hurting and it should come right out..
you may need to keep doing it so that you make sure its all out.