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Position:Home>Dancing> Will martial arts help my dancing?

Question:I was watching a martial arts video the other day and a lot of the things they were doing reminded me of ballet. Because they have so much power and control in their moves I thought it might help out my ballet. Do you think it would?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was watching a martial arts video the other day and a lot of the things they were doing reminded me of ballet. Because they have so much power and control in their moves I thought it might help out my ballet. Do you think it would?

Yes, martial arts and ballet have a few similar moves and actions. I heard that you can take either ballet or martial arts before taking the other. I started ballet earlier and someone told me that if I take martial arts (karate) later, my ballet will help a bit. So good luck in which ever you decide to do! ^ v ^

i dance pretty good and i dont do art

yes of course..........i really does help u
it tones ur muscles and increases ur flexibility

Well there are many different types of martial arts and some of them may have similar postures and moves with ballet. But any martial art give you great increase in strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. I highly recommend you look into some sort of martial arts near you.