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Position:Home>Dancing> Pointe after four years?

I am trying out for an arts high school. They have ballet one day and modern the next all week, every week. I have taken 3 years of jazz and my teacher goes to the exact arts school I'm auditoning for, so, she is giving me some private ballet lessons and i love it! I watch pointe on youtube and think it's so pretty how they go up on the box...
So back to my question, do you think after doing ballet at this school for four years i could go on pointe? Could i go on earlier? Or how late after? And even though i cannot dissagree that it is beautiful, is all the pointe work and pain worth it? Thanks so much!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hello,
I am trying out for an arts high school. They have ballet one day and modern the next all week, every week. I have taken 3 years of jazz and my teacher goes to the exact arts school I'm auditoning for, so, she is giving me some private ballet lessons and i love it! I watch pointe on youtube and think it's so pretty how they go up on the box...
So back to my question, do you think after doing ballet at this school for four years i could go on pointe? Could i go on earlier? Or how late after? And even though i cannot dissagree that it is beautiful, is all the pointe work and pain worth it? Thanks so much!!

Pointe is defintally worth it!! I was on pointe 8th-10th grade...unfortentually due to a mix up with payments, sign up and such at my studio I can't take pointe this year. The truth is it is not as extremely painful as everybody makes it out to seem. Yes for some girls it does hurt, but also for some girls it doesn't hurt.

It all depends on who you are and how well you take care of your feet. Just make sure your toenails are short so that you aren't cutting yourself with your nails, but not to short. Work a lot on ankle strength. Make sure you have the 'right' shoes for you, meaning ones that are as comfortable as possible for you. Yes, pointe isn't the easiest form of dance, but that doesn't mean you should purposely make it hurt lol! And above all PRACTICE!!!

Also, nobody here can really know if you will be ready for pointe in four years. There are a lot of factors here that we don't know like how long will you be dancing, are you a very dedicated dancer. I'm sure if you put the effort forth then you'll do just fine, but only you know your body we (everybody whose answering) don't personally know you and haven't actually seen you dance before.

I was ready for pointe in 8th grade after having been dancing since I was 3, but this was just at a regular local dance studio. So I don't know...but remember have fun!! And dream big!! Good luck with this!

pointe is soo worth it, i love it! people usually start after4 or 6 years of dance. but it can be earlier or later depending on how strong your legs and ankles are and how well you do at ballet

are your feet strong enough??/ if you try on a pair of pointe shoes and when you stand up, your ankles collapse then, you aren't ready, i spent 7 years of ballet before i started pointe but, it totally depends on you...but, your question wasnt that clear...did you do BALLET for 4 yrs or just any kind of dance? because if you dont have at least 4 yrs experience of ballet, then dont even think about putting on pointe shoes..but, if ur ready then its totally worth it!

I think you would be ready for it. I would ask your teahcer and she what she says because you need to make sure that your ankles are fully developed so they won't become deformed. But if you are over 12 then you could definitaly do it! I have been taking pointe for a year and i love it! Good luck!!=)

Sorry, but probably not. REally, it depends on the person, though. some people get strong enough quickly, others take a long time. just don't rush yourself, be patient; if you start too early you can ruin your feet (and it hurts a lot)

as for the second part of your question; sure it is beautiful , but it takes a lot of time and practice until you can get to the point where it looks nice. also, it does hurt; it wasn't until my seventh year on pointe that i could dance several hours without being in great pain. But i still love it!!

Pointe is awesome! But it is extremely difficult and the first few times you do it, your feet will kill you! Talk to your teacher about it and see if you are ready for it. If yes then make sure you get the right Pointe shoes for you and toe pads that really protect your feet! If no then work extra hard in ballet to build your ankle strength!! Pointe is definitely worth it!

pointe's cool, just dont do it for too long at a time because it can cause feet and leg problems after years