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Position:Home>Dancing> Any good moves?

Question:my sister is 10 and is doing this dance thing for a talant show on the tredmil, any good posible moves?????????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my sister is 10 and is doing this dance thing for a talant show on the tredmil, any good posible moves?????????

try this one slow
jump over the treadmill wile spinning

Here is a video of a treadmill dance. I am not sure of how many people she is using or how many treadmills she has, or if it just herself but there are some cute single person moves in here as well.

ahhhhh you are a good bro!!!!!! ummm there is this video where they do that stuff on tredmiles! ummm my computer is messed up but if you look on youtube you might be able to find something