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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone like Hiphop?

Question:Yeah... Hip-Hop is awesome. I can do a lil break too... Like Knee Spins and Freeze Frames.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yeah... Hip-Hop is awesome. I can do a lil break too... Like Knee Spins and Freeze Frames.


i like both breakdance and hiphop dance

yea i have for only 4 yrs hiphop and break

Yes...well I like to watch hiphop atleast. I can't dance hip hop (I'm more the ballet type), but I love watching people do hip hop. So long as it isn't completely outrageous that is.

And I think breakdancing is just awesome!!! I wish I could do that!!!

Yer, aswell as jazz, tap and ballet.

oohhhh yeah ;)

I just came back from a studio rehearsals and I was so impressed with all of the hiphop routines. There were like this 8 year olds doing an AMAZING dance to Glamorous hehe it was so cute.

What makes hiphop the best it the choreography, its just so exciting and how they can keep all that energy up!

Do you like hiphop?