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Position:Home>Dancing> Is dancing for me?

Question:umm, okay so im really bored at home, i do community work once a week and i need a new hobby. i was thinking of taking a dance class once or twice a week, but im 14 and idk if im too late. all the classes are for younger kids and i dont wanna be the only old kid who just started! please help me! im not that flexible, or fat so i think it would be fun and great! what do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: umm, okay so im really bored at home, i do community work once a week and i need a new hobby. i was thinking of taking a dance class once or twice a week, but im 14 and idk if im too late. all the classes are for younger kids and i dont wanna be the only old kid who just started! please help me! im not that flexible, or fat so i think it would be fun and great! what do you think?

sure! it'd be fun. studios usually have a beginner teen program or adult which you could also go in.. and youll probably see teens in there too. i recommend jazz or hip hop or you just wanna have fun. if you want to get seriously take ballet

Who knows, maybe.

Sure why not? I want to start dancing too! I love dancing and would like to know how to really dance for once.

Never too late, and you won't find the answer here! Give it a shot, and if you're not that great, well then that's what the class if for anyways: to help you progress!
Best wishes.

i think it would be great i mean if thats what you really want to do

find out if dancing is your thing, if you reallly want to do it , take dancing lessons , and you can be good at it!

I think you should go for it! You'd only be with the younger kids for a little while because you'll catch on quicker than them. Have fun :)

YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR DANCE i think that if you need a new hobby you should start dance now instead of just thinking about what to do.... if you try it and decide that you dont like it than you could always quit and try something new but you have never danced than i think that you should definatley try it...... well good luck and if you choose dance as your new hobby i hope you like it ......

Take it, period.
I suggest Ballet or Jazz.
Happy Dancing

It is never too late to learn something new! Get a friend to do it with you too! The worst thing that happens is that you drop out because you don't like it! What could hurt??

Go for it! dont be scared of being the only beginner, they sometimes have classes for beginners anyway.

go for it!