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Position:Home>Dancing> Are they going to make a high school musical3?

Question:the high school musical on disney channel i wonder if there going to make a high school musical 3 do you think you know if you tell me please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the high school musical on disney channel i wonder if there going to make a high school musical 3 do you think you know if you tell me please

I heard they are going to do a third installment of the said Disney movie. In fact, I just read that Hudgens just inked a contract for the 3rd movie. So let us wait and see.

I think they will.

maybe college musical

I don't know, but I heard they were making one for the big screen. Weird, eh?

i dont think so because zac dosn't want to work with vanessa anymore.

i hope not! xD

Probobly not. After what V.A.H did, it will be hard for her to get a job again if you know what i mean. I mean why do that if you know your job is on the line?

yes and they have started the shooting also

...i don't think so...

they would not call it a high school musical if they we're college now...

yeah its gonna be about senior year i think....maybe even prom or graduation