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Question:If you're daughter was really into dancing and got asked to become a profressional dancer, would you let her? If so, what would be your requirements?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're daughter was really into dancing and got asked to become a profressional dancer, would you let her? If so, what would be your requirements?

I'm a dancer and if I had a daughter (I'm only 16) I'm not sure if I would. Mainly because I would want my daughter to go to college and explore the world before she set her mind on something. Not that there is anything wrong with being a professional dancer, because if I could I would love to do that, but she needs to make sure she really wants to do this.

You really need to stop and ask yourself, do you truely think she can do this? I know it might be mean to think that your child can or cannot do something, but it's even worse to put them in the position where they are going to get hurt.

My requirements? Depending on the age it would be that my daughter had some other education as well (meaning college) because the truth is it takes one fall for a person to be done with dancing. If that happens you need to ask yourself, will she have something to fall back on? Also, is this something she REALLY truely wants to do. There is a huge dedication factor for both your daughter as well as you. You need to really be sure your both ready for this.

Yes and none

well....u could say that she needs to provide a way of transportation; ex) carpool, public transportation because it requires a lot of driving back and forth,

Er... most of the people who would ask my daughter to "become" a professional dancer would not be the kind of people I'd like my daughter to dance for, if you know what I mean. The dance world doesn't work that way.

My daughter is aspiring to dance professionally and she works really hard at it. Right now she's finishing up her last year in a college dance program. If she ever lands a professional job, it will be because she actively sought out the job and auditioned for it. Big name dancers certainly get asked to join companies or productions, but when you're not a big name, the most you can hope for is being asked by folks you know to do a gig for them. And most of those gigs may not even pay very much. When you're asked, it's usually because you're doing someone a favor. Otherwise, the job market is all about auditioning.

The road to becoming a professional dancer is paved with tons of really hard work. My daughter has always shown me that she's capable of doing all that hard work, so it's not like I can really say "no" to her desire to dance professionally. But I have to tell you that it certainly isn't a career that I would pick for any young person. I, personally, wouldn't be able to put up with all the physical pain, sacrifices and interpersonal politics that my daughter has to deal with. It's a hard life, but dancing makes her happy. I guess that's my requirement.

If she gets offered a place in a professional dance company then let her, it is a great honor.

A professional dancing career would be one where the general public would pay to watch her dance, so it would have to be with a company which dances in front of families of all ages.

If she wanted to I'd let her. I'd let her decided. Either way I'd still love her.

First, i would have to check it out, make sure it was someone that i wanted my daughter to dance for, But if it's good and everything, i'd definately let her do it. I mean if someone asked me, and my mom didn't let me do it, i'd probably never talk to her again, and spend the rest of my life looking back on that and saying "what if" you no. I mean it would suck if she had to do something for the rest of her life that she hated, let her do something she loves. Think if u had wanted to do something u loved, and your mother wouldn't let u, and how pissed you'd be. Just crawl into her skin and walk around in it!