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Position:Home>Dancing> What's it like to be a stripper?

Question:I wish I had the strength to work a pole.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I wish I had the strength to work a pole.

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I don't know about girls, but as a guy, having a stripper in front of me would be AWESOME.

Its awesome, there is a ton of money involed

Sleazy job. Aspire to something better. Most in the business do.

sexy.luv in it. feels good. a lot of MONEY is involved though!

you must be mad or a secret exhibitionist

The advantage of being a sripper is that you'll have fun and money it and this depends on how popular the place will be and the region. but, this might not build you an attractive reputation another is you'll be criticised but if you can damn these then fine. In anycase, everyone has the right to choose what they want to do with their lives and that includes you and I and this in itself is a proffession that fetches money and fun alone rather than good reputations to even generations unborn so weigh your gains and losses and decide for yourself what you want to make out of life the choice is yours. But then, I wish you all the best that life has in store. Goodluck