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Position:Home>Dancing> Please Help me with choreography....?

Question:my friend was my partner to my hip hop dance i choreographed to the way i are, but she moved and no one is good enough to take her place. so i've decieded to do a solo. i do ballet already, so i wanted to choreograph some ballet into my hip hop to make it unique. i'm dancing to Umbrella by Rihanna, but i need some ideas! got any?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my friend was my partner to my hip hop dance i choreographed to the way i are, but she moved and no one is good enough to take her place. so i've decieded to do a solo. i do ballet already, so i wanted to choreograph some ballet into my hip hop to make it unique. i'm dancing to Umbrella by Rihanna, but i need some ideas! got any?

i've been doing ballet since i was 2 years old, never done hip hop, but my friend does and she's taught me a few things. i do agree with apple tart, i think that would a good idea, and just pick up any dance moves you see in moives and shows. my ideas were sissone, pas de bourree, then passe up and then down, but with your hands on your hips on the passe. then ronds de jambe around with attitude and presence. i hope this helps, and remember the idea i gave you was meant to be put with a hip hop kind of style. just remember not to be to ballet when doing that.

Watch some old musicals (like things with Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly and Judy Garland...). Take those ideas and "update" them into your choreography.

sway ur hips twist around do a shase grind thendip do the motorcycle then a pliae and most of all follow the rhythm in your heart buboombuboom follow the beat!