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Position:Home>Dancing> Can any one learn how to dance??

Question:i must be the only latin woman who does not know how to dance salsa, or merengue... my bones are fuses.. no rythm!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i must be the only latin woman who does not know how to dance salsa, or merengue... my bones are fuses.. no rythm!!

If you're hearing-impaired it may be difficult, but just about anybody can learn. You may have to learn a little about music before you "get it," but it isn't as great a challenge as you might think. If you can hear the beat, you can move to it, and merengue especially is so simple I find it difficult to believe you couldn't learn with proper instruction.

LOL... sorry hun... everyone can learn the steps... but with out rythm... we are all lost. Im sure you are very tallented in something else though... so focus on that if you physicaly cant dance. Good luck.

Sadly no, not everyone can dance. You can learn the steps, but you either have rhythm or not.

One key is a good partner. Don't be afraid to take lessons especially if you are in a steady relationship. If I can learn anybody can learn.

Yes,Every body can dance in there own way..
Not to be rude but people dance funny buts thats there way...
people dance really pro without any practice buts there way of dance steps...

Yes, any one can learn to dance but some people have a leg up if the can hear the music correctly. That means understanding the music coding for the dancer, such as tumbo and clave as well as the 1 beat. If can not hear the music coding for the dancer find a dance instructor that teaches dancing with the music as your partner. Leads dance with follows but your partner is the music.