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Position:Home>Dancing> What are good ballroom dance songs by mainstream artists?

Question:I'm looking for popular songs to do rumba, swing (not jive or west-coast swing, just good plain american swing), foxtrot, and waltz to that I might have already on albums or on my computer.

Basically anything by mainstream artists that work well with those dances.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for popular songs to do rumba, swing (not jive or west-coast swing, just good plain american swing), foxtrot, and waltz to that I might have already on albums or on my computer.

Basically anything by mainstream artists that work well with those dances.


For Cha-Cha you can always use PCat Doll's version of Sway or their Don'cha. But I'm afraid everyone's sick of those songs by now.
You can dig out Ricky Martin CD with "She bangs, she bangs" but I think people will shoot you :-) But almost all of the songs are Rumbas, cha-chas, two steps.

Golden Eye rumba is in James Bond movie. I think not only this one, but every other one of those is preceded by a good International rumba.
In-Grid has some danceable songs.
Hips don't lie by Shakira (samba)
Crazy in Love by Beyonce (samba)
Deja Vu by Beyonce (quickstep)
Falling into you Celine Dion (rumba)
Beautiful by Christina Aguilera (waltz)
Vitorino by King Africa (merengue)
Lady in Red
Come Away With Me

You can try a soundtrack from a musical. I know Copacabana has a few good quicksteps (Dancing Fool and Man Wanted).

There is a waltz in "Shrek"
"True lies" has a Tango.
"Pulp Fiction" has a swing or two.
"Married with Children" Love and Marriage (foxtrot)
I don't know why, but it is mostly movies that come to my mind.

how about crank that ,by soulja boy tellem.
thats like toottal ballroom hahahahaha syk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jk!idk

"The Red" by Chevelle would actually make a pretty good waltz, more of a Viennese waltz really but I'm sure you could make it work for you. :)

I like Candy Man and I think it is sung by Christina Aguilar, it's good for a jive or east coast swing. Sway by the P ussy Cat dolls is a good Cha Cha and if you want to slow it down just a notch Dean Martins version makes for my favorite Rumba.