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Position:Home>Dancing> My first dance ever tomorrow night at i have NO idea how to dance?

Question:Yes. This is my first time to a dance and I plan on just hanging out with my friends but JUST IN CASE I have to dance..erm how DO you dance? I mean i dont want to embarass myself and all. What do you guys do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes. This is my first time to a dance and I plan on just hanging out with my friends but JUST IN CASE I have to dance..erm how DO you dance? I mean i dont want to embarass myself and all. What do you guys do?

Just relax.. Don't think about other people around you. Just think, this is my zone and dance like you are alone. People may stare at you but they are actually jealous of you because you got the guts to dance like crazy. Wave your hands up in the air. Look on YouTube and check out some moves. Before you know it you'll be the center of glorious attention.

Turn on your radio on a station that plays different kinds of music.
Now start clapping your hands to the beat. * it will be 1-2 0r 1-2-3. Find the beat.
When you think you've got it move your feet and bend each knee. Bounce to the beat.
Just dance a slow dance.

Just hang on to your sweet babboo and let him lead chances are...he ain't much of a dancer either.

When you're dancing with your friends, just move to the beat, any type of movement is considered dancing. If you get to dance with a guy, just let him lead you, it's not hard. Mostkly, you just sway back and forth and step back and forth. Just go with the flow. Good Luck!

Us guys sit on the side or just rock side to sid e if we dont know how to dance. its a safe zone. we dont look good but we also dont look bad doing it. so if your lost just stay in the "safe zone"