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Question:Ok so, when you wear pink ballet tights and a black leotard with no underwear, should you make sure your bikini line is shaved or will you be able to see it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok so, when you wear pink ballet tights and a black leotard with no underwear, should you make sure your bikini line is shaved or will you be able to see it?

you shouldn't be able to see it unless you're really REALLY hairy. some tights are a little thicker at the crotch so with those you def wouldn't be able to tell... as for other kind of tights without that extra layer, you might be able to tell if you're in a strattle or doing grande jettes to the side. try it out. put on the tights and leotard, get in front of a mirror and test it.

umm.well interesting question
well if the tights are thinker, i don't think it should matter
Iif the tights are more see through, then u shod shave.. i guess
u should wear underwear, u can buy some that are made specially for dance ot that have a high bikini line

I think that would depend on the color of your hair and how hairy you are. Obviously, if you are blonde I don't think you'd be able to see color. However, I would probably be worried if there was an outline and I would shave it all!!

i would shave just in case because sometimes i have to do things not as full out cuz of it!! so i would if i were you!! :)

Mmm..How highcut is your leotard? (I can't stand highcut leos) If it's normal, wouldn't really worry about it if you have lighter coloured hair.

Why not wear highcut underwear? You can get them, I wear them under leos all the time.