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Position:Home>Dancing> Can any one tell me where to get a dance mat suitable for a 12 yr old?

Question:she liks pop and rap /r and b

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: she liks pop and rap /r and b
try these my daughter has the high school musical one hope this helps


Go on to you will get one there and cheaper too!

I got mine from the gadget shop ages ago, but I never use it anymore.... had it at a car boot on sunday but no one wanted it either.... ah well. Hope you find one she enjoys, they are fun though :)

Argos, or game shops like GAME etc
you can usually buy games in there aswel.
But now you have to have like a Playstation 2 to play the games with the better songs

I got mine from dont know if they still sell them.
You could also try Amazon, Argos, Game,