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Position:Home>Dancing> What should i do at homecoming dance?

Question:im going with my girlfriend and i have no idea how to dance good and crap, give me some advice so i dont look like a dumbass in front of everyone

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im going with my girlfriend and i have no idea how to dance good and crap, give me some advice so i dont look like a dumbass in front of everyone

KISS- keep it simple stupid! have you ever seen Hitch? well, the advice Will Smith's character gives to kevin james was pretty good. dont try to do too much just move slightly to the music and let the girl lead and steal simple moves from those guys around you. steal moves off of videos on youtube. try dancing at home in the mirror. dont dance too much during fast songs just do one or two and break to sit on the sides and talk. but you should be able to slow dance to a few songs...girls dont really want to dance too much bc our feet always hurt bc of are shoes anyways so you shouldnt have to dance so much...... good luck!

Don't grind up against her, it's disgusting.

when u r at ur homecoming have fun dance or talk 2 people have fun that when need 2 meeet new people